




Cute Things Kids Say And Do!

  • One day while babysitting, my 4 year old Great Granddaughter Alayna went to my fruit bowl, picked it up and said with a very serious voice and body language "this is saddd, only one apple...you need to buy more fruit Grandma!
  • When my Son was in Kindergarten, we went shopping and he found a Hot Wheels car he wanted. His Dad trying to teach him the value of money, told him he'd have to pay for it himself with the savings he had at home. His Dad told him the car cost 50 cents. Jimmy asked how much 50 cents was, he was told it's one half of a dollar and since Jimmy had one dollar at home he had enough to pay for it. When we got home he ran to his room and came back with one half of a dollar, literally! He had torn the dollar in half and proudly handed it to us.
  • When my Nephew was little he came in from outside where he was playing in the dirt and wanted a snack. My Sister told him he looked like he'd been sucking an old Sal and needed to wash his face first. My Nephew said "why? my hands are dirty to so it won't matter"!
  • My Daughter took her 6 year old Daughter for lunch at the restaurant her Dad manages. The Waitress heard my 6 year old Granddaughter say, "Grandpa!" The Waitress asked my Daughter if the manager was her Dad? My Daughter said yes. As the Waitress walked away my Granddaughter told my Daughter, "Mommy, that's not your Daddy, that's Grandpa, Daddy is at home!" My Daughter tried to explain that her Daddy is home but Mommy's Dad is here. Granddaughter's response: "Nooooo Mommeee, it's my Grandpa!"
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