




About This Site

I set this personal website up with my family in mind and named it BasementGems. You may be wondering why I use the name "Basementgems" for a family website? I've lived in this house many years (not the house above, it's just represenative of my home), my Children and Grandchildren spent holidays here, we'd congregate in the family room which is located in our basement. This world is keeping my children busy and most of my grandchildren are grown now, I don't see some of them much anymore but the memories of them remain. Since I see my family as "Gems" and those "Gems" brought me a lot of enjoyment and spent many a good time in our basement familyroom...thus the term "BasementGems".

Much of what's on my site is run by javascripts, so when or if you see a pop-up on the page telling you for your safety scripts have been blocked. You'll need to click on that to permit scripts, to allow the graphics on this site to work properly. Thank you! .

Under "Words" above you'll find words that I find interesting and/or heart felt as well as my humble opinion on some matters.

Under "Links" above, find a few misc links. In the near future I'll put a link to another of my website's which has nothing but links of my interests. I have no doubt my list of links will grow!

Under "Email" above, you'll find nothing (for now). This is my second website, the first one had my email addy and I was overwhelmed with garbage mail. I'm researching ways to add one that bots can't read.

Under "Guestbook" above, there's nothing yet, guestbook's seem to draw spam like a magnet so for now I'm not going there, maybe in the future.

I hope the rest of this site speaks for itself.


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